Thursday, October 29, 2009

What Would You Like to Know?

As I get back to writing here about Alzheimer's and caregiving, I'm wondering what my readers would like to know. How can I help you as you deal with Alzheimer's in a loved one? I can't make the situation go away, but perhaps I can help you understand and to encourage you as you go through each day.

Perhaps I can be someone you can share your frustrations with and help you realize you can survive.

1 comment:

Best Neurosurgical Hospital said...

If you are an Alzheimer's caregiver and are considering respite care, it may be most beneficial to identify the appropriate facility based on the same characteristics you would seek in a full time residential care home. Having attended respite care at a particular home can make your loved one's transition much smoother in the case that he or she is eventually moved into the same full time residential care home. When visiting a care facility which offers respite care, obtain information about the competence and the staff as thoroughly as you would if you were seeking full time care.