Thursday, February 26, 2009

Learning About Alzheimer's from Richard Taylor, Ph.D

Learning first hand what it's like to experience dementia or Alzheimer's unables us caregivers and family members to be more understanding and helpful. I often tried to realize where Mother and Auntie were coming from, what world they were living in on a particular day, what was motivating their behavior and thought processes. Putting myself into their world (at least the best I could) enabled me to be more understanding and patient...and even enjoy my foray into a time past. Hopefully this made an increasingly difficult life easier for them, too.

Richard Taylor has been diagnosed with dememtia, probably of the Alzheimer's type. His purpose now is writing and speaking to inform, help and encourage others, both victims and caregivers, as well as the general public.

Richard maintains a web site complete with videos, provides a monthly newsletter, and has written the book, Alzheimer's from the Inside Out.

I wish I'd had something like Richard's web site, blog, newsletters and videos to help me when Mother and Auntie were ill.
(Amazon image)

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