Monday, March 19, 2007

My Co-Blogger on Alzheimer's Notes Interviewed

Liz Lewis, my co-blogger over at b5media's Alzheimer's Notes has been interviewed by Yvonne Russell at Grow Your Writing Business. Yvonne calls her a freelance writing blogstar who has been developing her career very rapidly.

With her experience as an RN working with older adults, Liz complements my experience as a caregiver for my mom and aunt. We also come from opposite sides of the globe so now give Alzheimer's Notes an international dimension.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Co-Author at My Other Alzheimer's Blog

At Alzheimer's Notes at b5media, Liz Lewis from New Zealand has joined me as a co-author. She's an RN and works with the over 65 age group, thus has experience with dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Liz will be adding an international, as well as professional dimension to the blog, since I live in the US and have been involved with Alzheimer's as a caregiver for my mom and aunt, author, and speaker.

You may like to visit Alzheimer's Notes to learn about the information we're posting.